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Cobb County Police Department K9 Unit

One Badge – Unlimited Opportunities!

The Cobb County Police Department is a professional and innovative policing agency with state and national accreditation. We are committed to our core values of Honor, Integrity, Professionalism, Courage, Commitment and Respect and proud of the relationships and support we have in our community.

We are the lead law enforcement agency serving a county of 345 square miles and over 760,000 residents on the northwest side of the Atlanta metropolitan area. With an authorized strength of over 700 officers, the department operates out of 5 precincts and has over 25 full and part-time specialty units.

The Cobb County Police Department has a diverse opportunity of assignments for you to pursue any passion while serving the community. The ability to move around precincts and through multiple specialty assignments, combined with abundant opportunities for promotion, will keep each day exciting, challenging and rewarding throughout your career with Cobb County. We provide exceptional training and state-of-the-art equipment to prepare you for success and we look forward to you accepting the challenge to be the best and joining our family at the Cobb County Police Department.

Chief's Office

Chief VanHoozerThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Chief VanHoozer began his law enforcement career with the Cobb County Police Department in February of 1990 as a uniform patrol officer at Precinct Three. He has since served in various capacities to include Field Training Officer, Patrol sergeant and lieutenant, Narcotics sergeant and lieutenant, Internal Affairs lieutenant and commander, Adjutant to the Chief of Police, Executive Officer to the Director of Public Safety, and commander of precincts 5, 3, and 2.

Chief VanHoozer earned a Bachelor of Science in Public and Social Services/Criminal Justice from Kennesaw State University in 1998. He is also a graduate of the 233rd session of the FBI National Academy.

Stuart VanHoozer was appointed Chief of Police by the Cobb County Board of Commissioners on May 10, 2022.

Deputy Chiefs

Deputy Chief Ben Cohen

Deputy CohenThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Deputy Chief Cohen started his career with the Cobb County Police Department, after serving in the U.S. Marines, in 1998. Throughout his career, he has served in Uniform Patrol at every level. He has also worked as an officer and supervisor in the gang unit, Special Operations, SWAT and the Organized Crime Unit. As a captain, Major Cohen has worked as an assistant precinct commander at precincts 3 and 4, he was assigned to the Chief’s office as the Chief of Staff and the Academy Director of Training.

In 2022, he was promoted to Deputy Chief and now oversees the Uniformed Division. Deputy Chief Cohen earned a Bachelor of Arts from Reinhardt University in Organizational Management and Leadership, a Masters of Public Administration also from Reinhardt University and is currently completing a Masters of Homeland Security Studies from the Naval Post Graduate School.

Deputy Chief James Ferrell

Deputy FerrellThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Deputy Chief Ferrell began his law enforcement career with Cobb County Police Department in June of 1996 as a uniform patrol officer assigned to Precinct Three. Throughout his career he has served in Uniform Patrol, Special Operations/TAC Team, Training/Range Master, and Crimes Against Persons. As a Captain, Deputy Chief Ferrell was assigned as the Executive Officer to the Director of Public Safety. In March of 2018 he was promoted to Major and assigned as the Division Commander for Special Investigations until his promotion to Deputy Chief in June of 2022.

Deputy Chief Ferrell studied Criminal Justice at Columbia Southern University and is a graduate of the FBI National Academy Session #272. He continued his education in executive management at Northwestern University, graduating from the School of Police Staff and Command in December of 2019.

Deputy Chief Stephen Kucynda

Deputy KucyndaThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Deputy Chief Kucynda has been employed with the Cobb County Police Department for over 26 years, starting as a uniform patrol officer at Precinct Three in 1996. During his career he has served as a Field Training Officer, FTO & Advanced Training Coordinator, Uniform Patrol sergeant and lieutenant, Crimes Against Persons sergeant and lieutenant, Internal Affairs lieutenant, Captain over Crimes Against Persons, Special Victims, and MCS/Intelligence.

As a Major he was the commander over Precinct Five and Support & Administration. In addition, he is a board member for Blue Thanksgiving Inc., which is dedicated to promoting and providing support to law enforcement agencies and their officers. Deputy Chief Kucynda earned a Bachelor of Science from Northeast Missouri State University in Justice Systems.


Precinct Operations

Operations at each precinct include both uniform patrol and criminal investigation units for property crime investigations. Each precinct's uniform patrol is responsible for conducting proactive patrol and handling calls for service as well as being an active partner within the community it serves. The criminal investigations units are responsible for conducting follow-up investigations on crimes that occur within the precinct area. Included in these crimes are felony and misdemeanor thefts and misdemeanor persons crimes, such as harassment and certain domestic-related incidents.

All precincts are commanded by a major, and a captain acts as the assistant commander. Currently, the precinct uniform patrol is staffed by 3 lieutenants and 9 sergeants. Each precinct criminal investigation unit is commanded by a lieutenant and assisted by 2 detective sergeants.

Precinct 1

Major MitchellIncludes the Town Center Mall, Kennesaw, and Acworth areas

2380 Cobb Parkway
Kennesaw, GA 30152
(770) 499-4181
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Precinct 1 Commander: Major W.A. Mitchell

Major Mitchell started his career with the Cobb County Police Department in 1996 after serving in the U.S. Navy. Throughout his career he has served in Uniform Patrol at every rank, Special Operations/DUI Task Force, operations commander of the Organized Crime Unit, and assistant commander of Internal Affairs. As a captain, Major Mitchell served as the assistant precinct commander at precinct 5 and as the commander of the Technology Special Projects Unit where he developed the department’s first Real Time Crime Center (RTCC) and oversaw operations for the Criminal Intelligence Analysts unit. Major Mitchell earned a Bachelor of Arts from Reinhardt University and is a Georgia P.O.S.T Instructor with advanced certifications in Supervisory and Managerial career development.

Precinct 2

Major HurstIncludes the Austell, Mableton, and Powder Springs areas

4700 Austell Rd
Austell, GA 30106
(770) 499-4182

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Precinct 2 Commander: Major M.D. Hurst

Major Hurst began his career with the Cobb County Police Department in 1999 as a patrol officer in Precinct 2.  He later worked as a patrol officer and patrol supervisor in Precincts 5, 2, and 1, before being assigned as a Sergeant at the Training Academy.  Following that, he served as a Lieutenant and watch commander in Precinct 3.  After an appointment to the rank of captain, he served in various command assignments as the Chief of Staff to the Chief of Police, Internal Affairs Commander, and Police Academy Director.  Major Hurst is currently assigned as the Commander of Precinct 2.  He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Criminology from Florida State University and a Master’s degree in Public Safety Administration from Columbus State University.

Precinct 3

Major BallardIncludes the Cumberland/Galleria, Vinings, and Smyrna areas

1901 Cumberland Pkwy
Atlanta, GA 30339
(770) 499-4183
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Precinct 3 Commander: Major D. Ballard

Major Ballard began his law enforcement career with the Macon Police Department after serving in the U.S. Army. He joined the Cobb County Police Department in 2001 and has served the community for over two decades. In Precinct 2, he worked as a patrol officer, sergeant, and lieutenant, including roles in the Crime Prevention Unit and as the first lieutenant in the Community Affairs Unit. As Captain, Major Ballard served as assistant precinct commander in Precinct 1 and later led Internal Affairs as both Captain and Major. He also contributed to officer training as a Mandate Coordinator, Defensive Tactics Instructor, and Firearms Range Master. Major Ballard holds several Georgia P.O.S.T. Instructor-level certifications, as well as advanced supervision, management, and leadership credentials from Georgia P.O.S.T. and FBI-LEEDA. He completed the Professional Management Program at Columbus State University and is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice at Columbia Southern University. He currently commands Precinct 3.

Precinct 4

Major BattertonIncludes the Sandy Plains and Johnson Ferry areas

4400 Lower Roswell Rd
Marietta, GA 30067
(770) 499-4184
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Precinct 4 Commander: Major Brian Batterton

Major Batterton has served with the Cobb County Police Department since 1995. Throughout his career, he has served in the Uniform Patrol Bureau both as an officer and as a supervisor, the Criminal Investigations Unit, the Training Unit, the Chief’s Office as an Adjutant and Legal Officer, and the Training Center as Commander. Major Batterton has also served in both the Alabama and Georgia National Guard. Major Batterton earned a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from Georgia State University and a Juris Doctor from John Marshall Law School in Atlanta, Georgia. He is currently a member of the State Bar of Georgia.

Precinct 5

Major MestreIncludes the Dallas Hwy and Macland Rd areas

4640 Dallas Highway
Powder Springs, GA 30127
(770) 499-4185
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Precinct 5 Commander: Major J.M. Mestre

Major Mestre began his law enforcement career in 1990 in Virginia. He moved to Atlanta in 1997 to start his career with the Cobb County Police Department. Major Mestre worked patrol and various detective assignments, including Crimes Against Children and Criminal Investigations. For most of his career, Major Mestre was assigned to the Crisis Negotiation Team, where he served as a negotiator and eventually commanded the team for many years. Major Mestre has been assigned to every precinct. However, this will be his first assignment at Precinct 5. Before this assignment, he was a Captain assigned as the Executive Officer for the Department of Public Safety and Assistant Commander at Precinct 4. Major Mestre holds a Bachelor of Science in the Administration of Criminal Justice from the University of Charleston.


Bomb Squad
bomb squad with squad car

The Bomb Squad was formed in 1972 and was originally a two man unit. The Squad received its first remote robot in 1990. The Unit is certified by the FBI as a Public Safety Bomb Squad, and all members are Hazardous Device Technicians. Recognized as a regional squad, it can be called to respond to all manners of bomb and explosive related incidents as well as WMD related incidents that involve Chemical, Biological, Radiological or Nuclear related threats. Due to its regional response capabilities, the unit is primarily grant funded by the Department of Homeland Security.

Cadet Program
police explorers receive medals

The Law Enforcement Cadet Program seeks to establish an awareness of the complexities of police service and provide young adults an opportunity to witness and experience the kind of commitment and passion that is needed to be a police officer.

The Program provides the Cadet with a basic knowledge of the field of law enforcement. Cadets will receive instruction in many aspects relating to law enforcement including criminal law, traffic law, criminal investigation, crime prevention, traffic control and direction, accident investigation, juvenile delinquency, and other related fields.

Community Affairs
community affairs officers

The Community Affairs Unit consists of a lieutenant, a sergeant, and 8 officers. The Unit falls under the direction of the Police Department's Chief of Staff. Each precinct has a Community Affairs Officer(s) assigned to its geographical area. In addition to these officers, the Unit has an officer assigned as the Hispanic liaison and an officer assigned as the Media Specialist.

The goal of the Unit is to promote strong working relationships between the Department and the community it serves in order to foster enhanced trust, communication, transparency, and mutual respect. Members of the Community Affairs team work to bridge the gap between the Police Department and the citizens of Cobb County.

Crimes Against Persons
investigator with UV light

The Crimes Against Persons Unit serves the citizens of Cobb County in the unincorporated areas as well as the multiple city jurisdictions. At the request of city agencies, the Unit often investigates their significant crimes as well. The Crimes Against Persons Unit is responsible for the investigation of:

  • Deaths: Homicides, Suicides, Natural and Accidental (except for traffic fatalities)
  • Assault/Battery: including those against children shot or stabbed
  • Sex offenses involving victims over the age of 17 years
  • Kidnapping (except parental "snatching")
  • Missing Persons
  • Extortion
  • Harassing, obscene, or threatening telephone calls
  • Product Tampering
  • Terroristic Threats
  • Robbery

The Crimes Against Persons Unit is staffed with 2 lieutenants, 4 sergeants, and 16 detectives. Every week, 4 detectives and one supervisor assigned to the unit rotate into an on-call status to be available for an incident response as appropriate.

CAGE Gang Unit

The purpose of the CAGE Unit is to identify gangs, gang activity, and gang members in Cobb County. They investigate illegal activity conducted by gangs and gang members, and pursue charges based upon gang related statutes. The CAGE Unit also performs a community education role by educating the public on gang activity.

Crisis Negotiations Team
crisis negotiator

The Crisis Negotiations Team is responsible for responding to critical incidents, such as hostage situations, barricaded gunmen, and suicidal persons with the intent of resolving the crisis without injury to the victim, bystanders, public safety personnel, and/or the suspect/perpetrators. The Negotiations Team utilizes the skills of trained negotiators to develop a rapport with the involved individual and assist them in moving toward a peaceful resolution.

The Team has 13 members.

DUI Task Force
DUI checkpoint

The DUI Task Force is recognized as one of the best DUI apprehension units in the state of Georgia. The Unit enforces all traffic laws and is primarily tasked with the apprehension of impaired drivers, thereby making Cobb County's roadways safer for all citizens.

The DUI Task Force consists of 1 lieutenant, 1 sergeant, and 5 officers. These officers have highly specialized training in the detection, apprehension, and prosecution of impaired drivers.

Honor Guard
honor guard at sunset

The Honor Guard consists of a commander, assistant commander, sergeant, and 12 active members of the Police Department. Members of the all-volunteer unit are selected based on recommendations from current Honor Guard members, supervisor recommendations, and established selection criteria. The Honor Guard is responsible for representing the Police Department and the Chief of Police, along with the officers and their families at law enforcement funerals, parades, and other ceremonial occasions—both solemn and festive.

Internal Affairs & Recruiting
recruiting car in front of spiral mural

The Internal Affairs Unit is responsible for internal investigations, recruitment, and hiring.

The internal investigations section consists of 1 sergeant, 4 investigators, and 1 administrative assistant. This section conducts internal investigations of all personnel employed under the Department of Public Safety umbrella, which include personnel from the Police Department, Fire Department, E-911, Animal Services, and all administrative staff assigned to these departments.

The recruitment team is part of the Internal Affairs Unit and consists of 1 sergeant, 5 investigators, 1 full-time police recruiter, 1 reserve officer, and 4 administrative assistants. This section is responsible for conducting investigations on nearly all potential applicants for employment within DPS. The majority of these background investigations are for safety-sensitive jobs.

police k9 with evidence

The K-9 Unit utilizes trained police canine teams to assist in the prevention and detection of crime, locate persons sought by the police, promote a favorable public image of the Police Department, and support other law enforcement personnel in the performance of their duties.

The 9-member team consists of a lieutenant, sergeant, and 7 officers. Each member of the unit is a canine handler. The Unit has 3 Explosive Detection Teams and 6 Narcotic/Tracking Teams.

Motor Unit
police motor unit logo

The focus of the Motor Unit is traffic enforcement in school zones, traffic complaint areas, and high crash corridors of Cobb County. The Unit is also responsible for funeral escorts, charity escorts, and visiting dignitary escorts, including details involving the President and Vice President of the United States.

Marietta, Cobb, & Smyrna Organized Crime Unit (OCU)

MCS Organized Crime Unit is subdivided into two separate units, each with its own unit commander, personnel, and responsibilities. The two units are the MCS Organized Crime Task Force Narcotics Unit and the MCS Intelligence Unit. Each unit participates in this organization by providing both supervisory and non-supervisory personnel. Investigative responsibility includes both incorporated and unincorporated Cobb County.

All complaints of drug, vice, or other organized crime activity that cannot be investigated by field personnel due to the complexity of the investigation is forwarded to the MCS Organized Crime Unit for investigation.

Public Information Office

The Public Information Office is the primary point of contact for the dissemination of information from the Department to the media and general public.

Rangers Unit
two police cars in park

The primary mission of the Ranger Unit is the enforcement of state laws and Cobb County Ordinances on Cobb County Park properties. The Ranger Unit is also responsible for patrol on the Army Corp of Engineers Property, The Silver Comet Trail, and at other installations and locations at the direction of the Chief of Police. The Ranger Unit is equipped with a wide variety of vehicles such as motorcycles, bicycles, ATV's, and 4-wheel drive vehicles to perform off road patrols.

Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP)
car crash investigation

The Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Unit is responsible for investigating all fatal traffic collisions, serious injury collisions, department vehicle involved collisions, and when requested, collisions that occur within the incorporated cities. The Unit often uses drone technology to assist in photographing scenes and reconstruction. The Unit conducts analysis of traffic collision data, and targets enforcement of specific violations in those areas where analysis indicates an elevated number of collisions caused by those violations.

The Unit's goal is the reduction of serious injury and fatal traffic collisions. This is accomplished through the coordinated efforts of enforcement, education, and engineering. By partnering with community education groups, schools, and transportation departments, traffic safety is enhanced from all aspects.

Special Victims
police car lights

The Special Victims Unit encompasses the Crimes Against Children Unit, the Domestic Violence/Stalking Unit, and the Elder Abuse Unit. The Unit consists of a lieutenant, 3 sergeants, 14 detectives, and 2 administrative assistants.

The Crimes Against Children Unit is responsible for the investigation of all aspects of child abuse to include deprivation, sexual abuse, physical abuse, and neglect that occur within the unincorporated areas of Cobb County. The Crimes Against Children Unit consists of 10 detectives and a non-sworn administrative assistant.

The Domestic Violence/Stalking Unit is responsible for the investigation of domestic violence and stalking incidents that occur within the unincorporated areas of Cobb County. The Unit is staffed with 4 detectives and a non-sworn administrative assistant.

As part of the Domestic Violence/Stalking Unit, the Elder Abuse Unit conducts investigations into the allegations of abuse or neglect of senior citizens.

Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT)
armored SWAT car and team

The SWAT Team consists 35 members who respond to calls for assistance from the department's uniform and detective bureaus. Most of these requests are in response to incidents involving barricaded gunmen and the service of high-risk warrants. However, the team also responds to hostage incidents, searches for dangerous criminals within a confined area, and VIP protection details. Occasionally, the team assists other departments and jurisdictions with similar incidents.

Technology Based Crime Unit (TBCU)
officer examining computer

The Technology Based Crimes Unit consists of 4 detectives, a reserve police officer, and a sergeant who has received highly specialized training in the fields of computer crime investigations, computer and mobile device forensics, and video forensics. The purpose of the Unit is to investigate criminal activity which is perpetrated through, or assisted with, the use of computers or advanced information technology. The Unit is the primary support resource for the other investigative units of the Police Department in providing digital and electronic investigative and forensic support.

Training Unit
firearms training exercise

The Training Unit serves as a support function of the Police Department and is commanded by a captain with a lieutenant as the assistant commander. The Unit has a staff of 15 sworn personnel and 3 non-sworn personnel. At any given time, it typically supervises and trains 2 mandate classes.

Training specifically provided to police recruits and sworn police department employees includes basic mandate, recruit indoctrination, field training, leadership/supervision training, defensive tactics, driving, weapons training, physical fitness, in-service training, and advanced training. Most classes are taught on-site in the classroom area of the Training Center, or in one of the specialty areas located on or near the seven-acre campus.

Underwater Search & Recovery Team (USRT)
dive team officer in lake

The Underwater Search and Recovery Team is responsible for recovering victims, conducting crime scene investigation, light salvage, and recovering and processing evidence in virtually any aquatic environment. The team consists of 9 scuba divers who are all certified as public safety divers by Dive Rescue International. All team members are also required to participate in at least 240 hours of training throughout the year.

Violent Incident Prevention & Early Response (VIPER)
police officers gathered around patrol car

The VIPER Unit's primary function is the reduction of violent crime, with a focus on armed robbery. The Unit engages in aggressive patrol and apprehension of violent criminals in order to improve the overall quality of life for citizens who live, conduct business, or visit Cobb County. VIPER focuses on areas that have the highest instances of crime as determined by close tracking of crime data.