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Cadet Program

The goals of the Cobb County Police Cadet Program are to educate youth in police operations, to interest them in a possible career in law enforcement, and to build confidence and valuable leadership skills for the future.


Officer Andy Higgins, Cadet Director
(770) 528-8388

Detective Oscar Escarcega, Lead Mentor
(770) 499-3926

Mission Objectives

Through education and training, we will provide our cadets with inside knowledge of law enforcement and its functions in the community.

The Cadet Program seeks to establish an awareness of the complexities of police service and provide young adults an opportunity to witness and experience the kind of commitment and passion is needed to be a police officer.

The Law Enforcement Cadet Program will provide the Cadet with a basic knowledge of the field of law enforcement. Cadets will receive instruction in many aspects relating to law enforcement including criminal law, traffic law, criminal investigation, crime prevention, traffic control and direction, accident investigation, juvenile delinquency, and other related fields.

Post Goals and Objectives

The Law Enforcement Exploring program has three main themes:

  • To further the cadet’s education relating to law enforcement skills and operations.
  • To encourage the cadet’s participation in a rewarding and productive service of activities.
  • To prepare the cadets for life challenges, for roles as citizens, community leaders, and future law enforcement careers.

Application Process

The Cobb County Police Cadet Post #5 seeks to recruit qualified youth applicants that meet the strict standards set forth by our police department. Potential applicants are required to complete a detailed application.

Applicants will be required to submit a cadet application to be considered for membership in the program.

Once the application is received, the applicant will be contacted and provided information on when to attend a meeting to complete their oral interview process.


  • Applicants must be at least fourteen years old and in high school and may remain in the program until the age of twenty-one.
  • Cadets are expected to maintain a satisfactory G.P.A. in school, being a 2.0 or higher.
  • Applicants are subject to an extensive background investigation. Any criminal arrest or detainment may be grounds for dismissal or rejection of application.
  • Maintain a level of fitness that allows them to perform their duties effectively.
  • No affiliation or former affiliation with any gangs, cults, or organized crime.
  • Be in good standing with the Public Safety Cadet National Program, and the Cobb County Police Department. This program is not for troubled youth.
  • Be willing to volunteer your time to participate with events, details, and competitions.
  • Have a good moral character and possess integrity.